
Chapter 9 Whats Bred in the Bone: Personality and Procrastination

ork University) has revealed that only two of these traits have meaningful relations with procrastination-Conscientiousness and Neuroticism (which is also known as Emotional Instability) . I discuss these first, below.

The other traits that I discuss below are related to the Big Five traits, but I address them separately because they deserve special consideration given their relation to procrastination. For example, impulsiveness is sometimes discussed as part of low emotional stability, sometimes extraversion. In any case, it is not necessary to focus on these definitional issues. Just think of these traits as aspects of our personalities.


For each of the traits below, rate yourself from"Not at all like me"to"Exactly like me"on how much you think this trait describes you.

1. Conscientiousness

Highly conscientious people are described as responsible, scrupulous, persevering and fussy or tidy. You can see how this trait is negatively associated with procrastination and might be considered a resilience factor against unnecessary delay. The various facets of the trait as measured in popular personality tests include: Competence (efficient) , Order (organized) , Dutifulness (not careless) , Achievement striving (thorough) , Self-discipline (not lazy) , and Deliberation (not impulsive) .

I am a very conscientious person.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not at all like me____Exactly like me

2. Emotional instability

Emotional instability is the alternative wording of the trait of Neuroticism. People who score high on emotional instability can be described as nervous, worrisome, or anxious. The various facets of the trait as measured in popular personality tests include: Anxiety (tense) , Angry hostility (irritable) , Depression (not contented) , Self-consciousness (shy) , Impulsive (moody) , and Vulnerability (not self-confident) .

Typically, I would consider that I am more neurotic or less emotionally stable than others.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not at all like me____Exactly




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