
Chapter 9 Whats Bred in the Bone: Personality and Procrastination

related to procras-tination. The more we are conscientious, the less we typically procrastinate.

In contrast, David is an example of a socially prescribed perfe-ctionist. Yes, there are diferent varieties or types of perfectionism. The one we need to focus on is the socially prescribed perfectionist, because it is most strongly related to procrastination. Socially prescribed perfectionists believe that others hold unrealistic expectations for their behavior and that they cannot live up to these expectations. They experience external pressure to be perfect and believe that others evaluate them critically. This leads them to internalize these expectations and be self-critical as well that"little voice in David's head"is an example of this internalized criticism.

Contrasting Fiona and David like this shows how personality can be a resilience or risk-factor for procrastination. We need to take this into account in our own lives.

Would you say that you have a procrastination-prone personality?

To answer this question, you need to have a little more information about which personality traits have been shown to be associated with procrastination. Some of the key traits that are related to procrastination are listed below. I just need to make one more comment before you review this list.

There are potentially thousands of personality traits.

Personality psychologists have simplified these into a superstructure of traits known as the"Big Five". Much like the three colors of the color wheel, the"Big Five"are said to be the primary traits. Other traits are a part of these five or a blend of them. You can remember the five traits with the mnemonic CANOE: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness (to Experience) and Extra-version.

Of course, in a digest-type book, I cannot explain each of these in detail, and it is really not that important because our focus is on procrastination. Research pioneered by Henri Schouwenburg (University of Groningen) and Clarry Lay (Y




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