
Chapter 9 Whats Bred in the Bone: Personality and Procrastination

like me

3. Impulsiveness

A person who scores high on impulsiveness tends to act before thinking. This trait reflects low self-control, especially in the presence of potentially rewarding activities. Impulsivity reflects less ability to consider the consequences of one's actions.

Typically, I would say that I am very impulsive.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not at all like me_____Exactly like me

4. Self-efficacy

This trait represents the belief that we are able to do what is necessary to achieve a desired outcome. It reflects self-confidence and competence.

I feel that I am competent and have a great deal of self-efficacy.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not at all like me____Exactly like me

5. Self-esteem

Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. It is our appraisal of our self worth. Another way to think about it is the extent to which we perceive ourselves as being relatively close to being the people we want to be.

Generally, I feel very good about myself.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not at all like me____Exactly like me

6. Socially prescribed perfectionism

As I noted, socially-prescribed perfectionists believe that others hold unrealistic expectations for their behavior. They believe that others expect them to be perfect, and they can feel compelled to try to live up to these expectations.

I believe that significant others in my life expect me to be perfect.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not at all like me____Exactly like me Now that you have reviewed some of the main personality traits that researchers have identified as traits associated with procrastination, you can see which is larger, your risk for or resilience to procrastination. To calculate each, you need to sum items together as listed below. For each item, write in the number you circled when reading above, then sum these for a total score out of a possible 30.

Personality Risk: Sum items#2____+#3____+#6____=____ (Emotional Instability, Impulsiveness, Perfectionism)

Personality Resilience: Sum items#1____+#4____+#5____=____ (Conscientious




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