
Chapter 9 Whats Bred in the Bone: Personality and Procrastination

[My personality might put me at risk, but I can adapt. ]

FIONA AND DAVID have been married for mare than 10years now. Fiona's friends describe her as organized. Typically, she's the planner in their group, and they know that they can really count on her. When there's something to be done, she does it right away. David sets high standards for himself. He is also very self-critical. He seems to hear his parents'voices echo in his mind whenever he approaches a task, saying, "It could be better."When faced with a task, David always seems reluctant to get started. Fiona and David are very similar when it comes to household tidiness (they are both quite particular, even fussy) , but they can drive each other crazy at times when it comes to scheduling and doing tasks.


The example above highlights the notion of individual diferences. We might think of Fiona as conscientious and David as a perfectionist. This approach to personality is based on the concept of personality traits.

Traits are terms that psychologists use to summarize the way we typically act. Traits describe something about how we expect a person to act in most situations. Of course, how we actually behave depends on both personality and situation, but for the moment, I want to focus on personality traits.

Certainly, procrastination has been shown to be related to personality traits. Some people are more prone to procrastinate, and a contributing factor is personality. This is particularly true when the situational pressures to engage in a task in a timely manner are not strong. When the situation is not pushing us to act in a certain way (for example, a supervisor actually monitoring our actions) , our personality will have a great deal of influence on our behavior.

The examples above provide two very common traits related to procrastination, but in diferent directions. Fiona's con-scientiou-sness-that is, the fact that she is typically organized, planful, and dutiful-is a trait that is highly negatively

