
Chapter 8 Willpower, Willpower: If We Only Had the Willpower

[Willpower is a limited resource that I need to use strategically. ]

RACHEL'S EXERCISE GOAL wasn't becoming a reality.

Given her very early start each day to get the kids of to school and out to work herself, she put aside time after dinner to get on the treadmill. However, after an exhausting day in her law firm along with the day-to-day challenges of orchestrating school, day-care schedules, and the many household chores she shares with her husband, she couldn't seem to muster the"get up and go"to get up and go. She was frustrated. She just didn't seem to have the willpower to get of the couch. Every night she put it of again, hoping tomorrow would be diferent.


Willpower is a limited resource. I think many of us know this from experience. Roy Baumeister (Florida State University) , as well as his students and colleagues, have demonstrated this in a series of clever experiments. It is worth reviewing these to make the point.

In the typical experiment, research participants are randomly assigned to one of two groups. Both groups expect that they will participate in two tasks, but there is an important difference between the groups in terms of the self-regulation demanded of them in the first task.

In the first task, the participants in the experimental group would be required to self-regulate a great deal, whereas the participants in the control group would be simply asked to do the task. For example, participants in both groups may be asked to watch a funny film, but the participants in the experimental group are required to self-regulate by suppressing their emotional expression while the participants assigned to the control group are given no specific instructions about how to react. In a similar study, participants in both groups arrive hungry, but the experimental group is instructed to eat radishes while resisting a tempting plate of cookies, whereas the control group is allowed to eat the cookies or the radishes (you guess which is more popular) . In ea

