

ctive,” in TheMiddle Works, 1899—1924 , vol.7, ed. Jo Ann Boydston(Carbondale: SouthernIllinois University Press, 1979), 113—127(引自第127页)。

参 见 John Dewey, Democracy and Education: An Introduction to thePhilosophy of Education (New York: Macmillan, 1916), 299, 298。

Dewey, The Public and Its Problems , 211.

Dewey, Democracy and Education , 298.

在进步主义时期,就对本土主义攻击来自东南欧新移民社区做出回应,并捍卫“文化多元主义”价值而言,卡伦或许是最著名的人。一般参见Horace Kallen, Culture andDemocracy in the United States (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1924)。相反,下面的讨论聚焦于他有关休闲和消费主义政治的观点。这样的立场在后来的20世纪三四十年代的作品中得到了更全面的发展,尤其是The Decline and Rise of the Consumer: APhilosophy of Consumer Cooperation (New York: D. Appleton—Century, 1936)以及 The Liberal Spirit: Essays on Problems of Freedom in the Modern World(Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1948)。虽然我对这些后来作品的利用稍稍偏离了历史上的纪年,但是这些作品与卡伦更早的观点相一致,并且提供了他对自由与工作之间关系的进步主义重新构建最清晰的阐述。有关民主教育与通过劳动实现自我的类似主题的更早介绍,参见Horace Kallen, Education, the Machine and the Worker: An Essayin the Psychology of Education in Industrial Society ( New York: NewRepublic, 1925)。

Kallen, The Liberal Spirit , 211, 236.

Weyl, New Democracy , 250.

参见Ibid., 250;以及Kallen, The Liberal Spirit , 238。

Weyl, New Democracy , 250, 251.

参见Ibid., 330;以及Kallen, The Liberal Spirit , 241—242。

Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life (New York: Macmillan,1909), 212;以及James Morone, Democratic Wish: Popular Participation and theLimits of American Government (New York: Basic Books, 1990), 113。

Croly, The Promise of American Life , 274, 274—275.

Morone, Democratic Wish , 112; Croly, Progressive Democracy , 270.

Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders: An Autobiography , ed. LouisAuchincloss(New York: Library of America, 2004), 721.

Dewey, The Public and Its Problems , 211.

John Dewey, Liberalism and Social Action (New York: G. P. Putnam''sSons, 1935), 63.

引 自 Mark Kornbluh, Why America Stopped Voting: The Decline ofParticipatory Democracy and the Emergence of Modern American Politics (NewYork: New York University Press, 2000), 123。





人在柯南,但是修罗场 苟在美食的俘虏 全民废土:我能无限强化避难所 下海后,遇见魔女小姐 红楼道爷 魔法使苍崎青子事件簿 我在修仙界趋吉避凶 致郁系编剧 诸天万古道 从有风的地方开始的文娱