
Chapter 10 Cyberslacking on the Procrastination Superhighway

o our tasks in between email, social-networking updates, Internet searches, ecommerce and gaming.


Although I discuss the procrastination superhighway as a separate chapter in this book, the principles for change are not really that different. They may just be a whole lot less appealing. For example, we have already addressed the notion of minimizing distractions when we discussed impulsivity. Minimizing distractions is part of that predecision to keep us on task.

Minimizing distractions is an important part of curbing our online procrastination. To stay really connected to our goal pursuit, we need to disconnect from potential distractions like social networking tools. This means that we should not have Facebook, Twitter, email, or whatever your favorite suite of tools is running in the background on your computer or smartphone while you are working. Shut them of.

Ouch, I know-It is really tempting to find some excuse to keep it a"business as usual"approach here, but if you are committed to reducing your procrastination, this is something you really need to do. You need to shut off everything except the program you need on your computer to do the task at hand. This means you can plan your"e-breaks"more consciously-again, this is an example of predecisions that help us break unconscious habits. Procrastination is certainly a habit for many of us.

This strategy of reducing distractions makes it more obvious when you are turning away from your goal pursuit to pursue some other task. Your alternative and potentially rewarding alternative tasks are no longer only a click away. A little more efort provides time for you to think if this is really what you want to do. Do you really want to abandon your goal right now? Probably not.

There have been all sorts of tools and"apps"designed to help people regulate their Internet use more. Common current examples include tools that lock you out of your email or record what applications you are using and for ho




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