

[1]转引自John Kenneth White,The Values Divide:American Politics and Culture in Transition(New York:Seven Bridges Press,2003),p.187。



[4]Bob Woodward,Bush at War(New York:Simon & Schuster,2002),p.13.

[5]转引自Eric Alterman,What Liberal Media?The Truth About Bias and the News(New York:Basic Books,2003),p.193。

[6]Roxanne Roberts,“Lone Star Cosmos:At Their Ball,Texans Draw Washington Into Their Vast,Expanding Universe,”Washington Post,January 20,2001.

[7]Mi插el Lind,转引自“The Future of Texas,”Economist,December 21,2002。

[8]Mi插el Lind,Made in Texas:George Bush and the Southern Takeover of American Politics(New York:Basic Books,2003),pp.120~121.

[9]Lou Dubose,Jan Reid and Carl Cannon,Boy Genius:Karl Rove,The Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W.Bush(New York:Public Affairs,2003),p.73.

[10]George W.Bush,A 插rge to Keep(New York:William Morrow,1999),p.97.

[11]Bill Minutaglio,First Son:George W.Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty(New York:Times Books,1999),p.19.


[13]Bob Sablatura,“George W.Bush:Wealth Produced Via Stock Swaps and Bailouts,”Houston Chronicle,May 8,1994.

[14]Gerry Fraley,“Rangers Plan New Stadium in Arlington,”Dallas Morning News, October 25,1990.

[15]Terrence Samuel,“Does Money Talk?”U.S.News & World Report,September 15,2003.

[16]David Frum,The Right Man:The Surprise Presidency of George W.Bush(New York:Random House,2003),p.283.




[20]Frum,The Right Man,p.3.

[21]Stephen Mansfield,The Faith of George W.Bush(New York:Jeremy P.Tarcher/Penguin,2003),pp.117~119.

[22]Frum,The Right Man,pp.101~103.

[23]John Parker,“Survey of America,”Economist,November 8,2003,p.12.


(1)大卫·克洛科特(1786年3月17日~1836年3月6日),美国政治家和战斗英雄。他曾当选代表田纳西州西部的众议员,因参与德克萨斯独立运动中的阿拉莫战役而战死。“阿拉莫战役”是德克萨斯独立战争中发生在墨西哥军和德克萨斯分离独立派之间的战斗。德克萨斯军虽然战败,但是“勿忘阿拉莫”(Remember the Alamo)后来成为激励德克萨斯士气的口号。——译者注


