

Rishi Iyengar,“The Dress That Broke the Internet,and the Woman Who Started It All,”Time Magazine,Feburary 27,2015,accessed March 3,2015

Terrence McCoy,“The Inside Story of the‘White Dress,Blue Dress’Drama That Divided a Planet,”The Washington Post,February 27,2015,accessed March 3,2015

The three articles:Karl R.Gegenfurtner et al.,“The Many Colours of‘The Dress,’”Current Biology 25(2015):543–44;Rosa Lafer-Sousa et al.,“Striking Individual Diff erences in Color Perception Uncovered by‘The Dress’Photograph,”Current Biology 25(2015):545–46;Alissa D.Winkler et al.,“Asymmetries in Blue–Yellow Color Perception and in the Color of‘The Dress,’”Current Biology 25(2015):547–48.

This and following three quotes taken from George Henry Lewes,The Life of Goethe(London:Smith,Elder,and Co.,1864),98,37,33,281.

Dennis L.Sepper,“Goethe and the Poetics of Science,”Janus Head 8(2005):207–27.

Dennis L.Sepper,Goethe Contra Newton:Polemics and the Project for a New Science of Color(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press:2003).

Dennis Sepper,email messages,November 11,2014–November 14,2014.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Theory of Colors(London:John Murray,1840),196.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Faust(New York:P.F.Collier&Son,1909),verse 1717.

This and other Berkeley quotes taken from:George Berkeley,A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge(Project Gutenberg,2003),Kindle edition.

A.A.Luce,Life of George Berkeley,Bishop of Cloyne(San Francisco:Greenwood Press,1949),189–90.

Christopher Hogg et al.,“Arctic Reindeer Extend Their Visual Range into the Ultraviolet,”Journal of Experimental Biology 214(2011):2014–19.

Tsyr-Huei Chiou et al.,“Circular Polarization Vision in a Stomatopod Crustacean,”Current Biology 18(2008):429–34.

Aquanetta Gordon,phone conversation,December 17,2014.

Richard Held and Alan Hein,“Movement-Produced Stimulation in the Development of Visually Guided Behavior,”Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 56(1953):872–76.

Richard Held,Society for Neuroscience

