
Concluding Thoughts On the Road of Self-Change

specific to the issues with which you may be struggling.

I must say that I make this reference to further reading with some reservation. There is no end to reading about a topic, and the problem with procrastination, as you have learned, is that we can always find an excuse not to do our work. In this case, it is really quite possible to use your further reading and research about procrastination to procrastinate more!Ironically, this is something that readers of my blog and listeners of my podcast have told me that they do.

So, instead of reading more, I would have you return to where I began the book to remind you that reducing procrastination in our lives is a practical thing-sensible, realistic, no-nonsense. In addition, I want to add that change is about doing, not just reading. If you put these both together, you will see that the practical (and no-nonsense)

thing is to start doing, not to read more.

You probably took an interest in this book because you want to reduce procrastination in your life. You now know a great deal more about the topic. You are prepared to bolster what feels like a depleted willpower. You are aware that it is tempting to give in to feel good, so you won't right now. And you know that every journey begins with that important first step.

It is time to just get started. I know that this will make a diference in your life.




我在修仙界趋吉避凶 人在柯南,但是修罗场 苟在美食的俘虏 从有风的地方开始的文娱 魔法使苍崎青子事件簿 红楼道爷 致郁系编剧 诸天万古道 下海后,遇见魔女小姐 全民废土:我能无限强化避难所