
Concluding Thoughts On the Road of Self-Change

[Self-change is a journey I take daily, and I will persevere patiently as I take two steps forward and one step back. ]

MARIANNA IS DISCOURAGED. Yesterday went so well. She started her work exactly when she intended to and she stayed on task. It felt great. She made significant progress on her thesis. Today she feels like her old self. She doesn't want to do anything. She's already wasted the morning filing email (most of which she knows she'll never look at again) and texting friends. Feeling low on energy, she's thinking of having a nap after lunch. Deep down she knows she's just avoiding her work, again.


Even though the purpose of the digest format of this book is to make it a quick read, there are no quick fixes. Our old bad habits, like procrastination, are hard to change and new habits are difficult to establish. We have to put in a great deal of conscious effort before our new behaviors become routine, unconscious patterns in our lives. Sometimes we never completely establish a new habit, and we have to put in conscious efort daily to maintain our focus where we choose.

The key thing is to be strategic. By being strategic, by making predecisions as much as possible, we can keep from following the same old worn path, the path that we know best as procrastination.

As you have learned, there are many aspects of being human that contribute to our self-regulation failure. For example, we:

·like to feel good now, ·are prone to discount future rewards, ·are overly optimistic and biased in our planning, ·dislike dissonance and will resolve it by making excuses, ·have a limited amount of willpower, ·can be disorganized, undisciplined, and overly self-conscious, ·can be prone to distractions, and·can have irrational beliefs about our expectations of ourselves.

Each of these things can create problems for us in our goal pursuit and contribute to our procrastination. And even this partial list of factors contributing to procrastination reveals some important truths

