
Chapter 10 Cyberslacking on the Procrastination Superhighway

l was humming a song by him……oh right, school……essay due tomorrow, haven't started.

like right now, I just realized……im commenting on an article……I wish I could read those articles about my essay and try to get 2000 words on paper in a day.

The thing is, we can end up wasting time even when we do not want to. This is the real problem, and one that we need to identify in order to make change.

I just want to be clear about something. I am not saying we cannot work and play online. Personally, I really enjoy these technologies-I use them intensively in fact-and I know we will see them grow in importance. What I am emphasizing is that we can waste time in unexpected and unanticipated ways with these technologies when we don't want to. This is the issue. These technologies are particularly problematic when it comes to self-regulation and self-regulation failure.

In the scenario above, Ari did plan to work on his report.

He got to his desk as planned. What happened?

Ari made a rational decision over an irrationally short period of time. Although it is correct that it might take only a minute to"update my Facebook page, "a minute later Ari faced the same decision. Of course, as we learned in Chapter5, our thinking can let us down here. We can rationalize yet another minute of delay, as another minute will certainly not compromise the report writing. It is an intransitive preference at its best, isn't it? At midnight, Ari recognizes that it is preferable to act much sooner than he has (even though each minute prior to that, he preferred to delay just a little more) .

This issue of rational decisions over irrationally short periods of time, combined with problems in our thinking like intransitive preferences, is not the only reasons that the Internet and social networking in particular are potentially so hazardous to our goal pursuit.


1. One of the reasons that social networking is so rewarding is that it fulflls a bas




我在修仙界趋吉避凶 人在柯南,但是修罗场 苟在美食的俘虏 从有风的地方开始的文娱 魔法使苍崎青子事件簿 红楼道爷 致郁系编剧 诸天万古道 下海后,遇见魔女小姐 全民废土:我能无限强化避难所