
Chapter 5 Excuses and Self-Deception: How Our Thinking Contributes to Our Procrastination

[I need to be aware of my rationalizations. ]

ALLAN LAMENTED HIS PROCRASTINATION to anyone who would listen, but nothing seemed to change. His friends recognized him as the master of excuses, although Allan didn't acknowledge his own hidden talents here. He was truly the"Teflon guy"when it came to being accountable, even to himself. Nothing stuck to him. There was always an excuse for waiting another day, and there was always an excuse for being of task.

It's not due for weeks.

I can do that work in a few hours.

I work better under pressure.

Of course, another day always became another, and soon weeks or months passed without progress. Why can't Allan see how he was just rationalizing this needless delay?


In addition to understanding our basic impulse to"give in to feel good" (see Chapter 3) and"not really feel more like doing it tomorrow" (see Chapter 4) , we need to consider some of the biases in our thinking. There are a number of very important issues to consider, including the human tendency to:

1. discount future rewards in relation to short-term rewards,

2. underestimate the time things will take and overestimate how much we can do,

3. prefer tomorrow over today,

4. self-handicap to protect self-esteem,

5. think irrationally about the task at hand and our ability to accomplish the task, and

6. manufacture our own happiness by changing our thinking to be consistent with our behavior.

Books have been written about each of these topics, but true to the digest nature of this book (and the promise to provide you with what you need now) , I have summarized each of these problems in our thinking below. Of course, this is followed by strategies for change.

Discounting Future Rewards over Short-Term Rewards

Future rewards, particularly those in the more distant future, seem smaller in size. It is as if we are looking at a picture of a distant mountain and assume that it is actually small. We do not seem to have perspective for size when time is involved. This is

