
4 我会死吗?:第二轮,第三轮,第四轮

曼(Maurice Hilleman)的视频采访,TheHistory of Vaccines。2018年4月25日登录。https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/1957-asian-flu-pandemic.

W. C. Cockburn et al.,“Origin and progress of the 1968-69 Hong Kong influenzaepidemic”,Bulletin of the World Health Organization 41 (1969):343-48.

Kilbourne,“Influenza Pandemics of the 20th Century”.

P. R. Saunders-Hastings and D. Krewski,“Reviewing the History of Pandemic Influenza:Understanding Patterns of Emergence and Transmission”,Pathogens 5,no.4 (2016):1-19.

该组织在1980年以前一直被称为疾病控制中心(Center for Disease Control)。1980年,采用复数英文名称即Centers for Disease Control。1992年,国会再次修改名称,称其为“疾病控制与预防中心”(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)。

细节来自J. C. Gaydos et al.,“Swine Influenza A Outbreak,Fort Dix,New Jersey,1976”,Emerging Infectious Diseases 12,no.1 (2006):23-28,and Gina Kolata,Flu:TheStory of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It (NewYork:Touchstone,2005),chapters 5-6.

E. Kilbourne,“Flu to the Starboard!Man the Harpoons!”,New York Times ,February13,1976,33.

Kolata,Flu ,139.

Hans Neumann,“After the Flu Shots,” New York Times ,September 15,1976,44.

杰拉尔德·福特,美国第38任总统,“Remarks Announcing the National Swine FluImmunization Program”.2018年4月25日登录。http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=5752。目前尚不清楚福特从何处得知54.8万人死亡的消息。

D. J. Sencer and J. D. Millar,“Reflections on the 1976 Swine Flu VaccinationProgram”,Emerging Infectious Diseases 12,no.1 (2006):29-33.

引自Kolata,Flu ,165.

Harry Schwartz,“Swine Flu Fiasco”,New York Times ,December 21,1976,33.

Matt Clark,“The Swine Flu Snafu”,Newsweek ,July 12,1976,73.

Bruce Weber. “David J. Sencer Dies at 86;Led Disease-Control Agency”,New York Times,May 4,2011,A27.

Douglas Martin,“Edwin Kilbourne,Flu Vaccine Expert,Dies at 90”,New York Times,February 24,2011,B14.

“Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Flu Vaccine”,Centers for Disease Control andPrevention.2018年5月2日登录。https://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/vaccine/guillainbarre.htm。美国疾病控制与预防中心的措辞发生了变化。就在2017年,同一个网站指出,1976年“接种用来防止猪流感病毒而制造的流感病




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