
9 寻找流感疫苗

Skowronski et al.,“Early Season Co-circulation of Influenza A(H3N2)and B(Yamagata):Interim Estimates of 2017/18 Vaccine Effectiveness,Canada,January2018”,Eurosurveillance 23,no.5 (2018):18-00035. 最近的一篇论文估计,疫苗的整体有效率为36%,但对流行的H3N2病毒的有效率只有25%。参见B. Flannery et al.,“Interim Estimatesof 2017-18 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness—United States,February 2018”,Morbidityand Mortality Weekly Report 67 (2018):180-85.

W. W. Thompson et al.,“Mortality Associated with Influenza and Respiratory SyncytialVirus in the United States”,JAMA 289,no.2 (2003):176-86.

T. A. Reichert et al.,“The Japanese Experience with Vaccinating Schoolchildren againstInfluenza”,New England Journal of Medicine 344,no.12 (2001):889-96.

A. McGuire,M. Drummond,and S. Keeping,“Childhood and Adolescent InfluenzaVaccination in Europe:A Review of Current Policies and Recommendations for the Future”,ExpertReview of Vaccines 15,no.5 (2016):659-70.

A. McGuire,M. Drummond,and S. Keeping,“Childhood and Adolescent InfluenzaVaccination in Europe:A Review of Current Policies and Recommendations for the Future”,ExpertReview of Vaccines 15,no.5 (2016):659-70.

“Flu Vaccination Coverage,United States,2015-16 Influenza Season”,Centers forDisease Control and Prevention,2018年4月30日登录。https://www.cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview/coverage-1516estimates.htm.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2018年4月30日登录. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pdf/freeresources/general/p_universal_question_officeprint.pdf.

A. E. Fiore et al.,“Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines:Recommendationsof the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP),2010”,MMWR Recommendationsand Reports 59,no. RR-8 (2010):1-62.

对于美国,我采用了K.D.科哈内克(K.D. Kochanek)等人的论文,“Deaths:Final Datafor 2014”,National Vital Statistics Reports 65,no.4 (2016),Table 11. 对于英国,我采用了由英国国家统计局负责管理的NOMIS。网址为https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/.

V. Demicheli et al.,“Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in Healthy Adults”,CochraneDatabase of Systematic Reviews 3 (2014):CD001269.

Centers for Disease C




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