

Aleppo, 3 August 1914; Istanbul vol. 292,“Trade and commerce at Beirut for the Year 1914, and January 1915,” 15 April 1915;“Annual Report on commerce and Industries for 1914,” Harput, 1 January 1915; Istanbul vol. 295,“Trade Depression in Turkey Caused by European War,” Smyrna (Izmir), 26 February 1915.

[12] Pamuk, “The Ottoman Economy in World War I,” 117.

[13] Beşikçi,“Between Voluntarism and Resistance,” 73–76;NARA, Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” Istanbul,1915年5月8日。

[14] NARA, Istanbul vol. 279, letter from Hakki Pasha, governor of Adana to the US consul in Mersin, dated 6 Aghustos 1330;关于劫掠商店和勒索的描述,见vol. 279, letter from US consul in Jerusalem, 19 September 1914; correspondence with the Singer Manufacturing company, September and October 1914; letter from Ottoman governor of Adana to US consul in Mersin, August 1914; report from US consul in Baghdad of 5 October 1914. See also Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” 8 May 1915.

[15] Erik Jan Zürcher,“Between death and desertion: The Experience of the Ottoman Soldier in World War I,” Turcica 28 (1996): 235–258;Pamuk,“The Ottoman Economy in World War I,”126;NARA, Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” Istanbul,8 May 1915;Istanbul vol. 294,“Increased Cost of living in Constantinople,” 2 December 1915。

[16] Ahmed Emin, Turkey in the World War (new Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1930), 107.

[17] 一位出身贵族的阿尔及利亚上尉,Khaled El Hachemi,曾在法国的军事精英学院Saint-Cyrien深造,他是非常罕见的一个例外。Gilbert Meynier,L’Algérie révélée: La guerre de 1914–1918 et le premier quart du XXe siècle (Geneva: Droz, 1981), 85–87.

[18] 法语里他的全名是Mostapha Ould Kaddour Tabti. Mohammed Soualah,“Nos troupes d’Afrique et l’Allemagne,” Revue africaine 60 (1919): 495–496.

[19] Meynier, L’Algérie révélée, 98–103.

[20] Jean Mélia, L’Algérie et la guerre (1914–1918) (Paris: Plon, 1918), 28–32. 法语歌词为:“la République nous appelle, Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr, Un Français doit vivre pour elle, Pour ell




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